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Results 71−80 of 356 for layout

Two \partCombine pairs on one staff [0.14286]

…The voices output from \partCombine can have their layout properties adjusted in the usual way. Here we …

\layout { \context { \Staff \accepts "VoiceBox" } \context { \name "VoiceBox" \type "…

Two \partCombine pairs on one staff

Functional analysis [0.14286]

…OptC OptD OptE FillStr % --------------------------------------------------------------- #(define-markup-command (fSymbol layout props FunctionLetter SopranoNote BassNote OptA OptB OptC OptD … …#(define-markup-command (double layout props letter) (markup?) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup{ \concat { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.… …bassstimme" {\shiftOff \bassmelhidden} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bassstimme" \lyr >> } >> \layout { \context { \Lyrics \consists "Text_spanner_engraver" } } } \markup \vspace …

Functional analysis

Easy Gregorian notation [0.14286]

…#-2 \score { \transpose c c' { \omit Stem $mus } \layout { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##t \context { \Score \gregorianContext } } } } #})) … …Voice = Zslotar \zslotar \new Lyrics \lyricsto Zslotar \zslotarLyrics >> \layout { ragged-right = ##f \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = ##f } } \… …Voice = Sanctus \sanctus \new Lyrics \lyricsto Sanctus \sanctusLyrics >> \layout { ragged-right = ##f \context { \Lyrics \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = ##f } } \…

Easy Gregorian notation

Squeeze and split staff [0.14286]

…msg00061.html %Squeeze & split staff: #(define-markup-command (split-staff layout props split-staff-length split-staff-height-correction split-staff-height-position staff-staff-spacing-basic-distance) (number? number? number? … …variable length & height ending to a point-stencil." (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup\flip\split-staff #squeeze-staff-length #squeeze-staff-height-correction #squeeze-staff-height-position … …#all-visible \clef F c,16->[\ff c,->] } >> } \layout { indent = 5 \context { \Score \remove Mark_engraver \remove …

Squeeze and split staff

Let TabStaff print the topmost string at bottom [0.14286]

…a context-wide setting this could be done in layout as well.

%\layout { % \context { % \Score % stringOneTopmost = ##f % } % \context { % \TabStaff % tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format % } %} …

Let TabStaff print the topmost string at bottom

Arrows [0.14286]

…Snippet start here: %%% "arrows.ily %%% #(define-markup-command (arrow layout props type ;; "open" "close" "huron" "long" "large" "wings" "… …arrow-at-angle can be written as: #(define-markup-command (arrow-at-angle layout props angle-deg length fill) (number? number? boolean?) (let* ((… …length (cos angle-rad))) (target-y (* length (sin angle-rad)))) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:translate (cons (/ target-x 2) (/ target-y 2)) …


Circle of Fifths [0.14286]

…score snippets %% we remove some items not needed \layout { indent = #0 \context { \Staff \omit TimeSignature \omit BarLine … …interpret-markup layout props mymark) delta)) #(define-markup-command (move-and-scale layout props mymark faktor x-offset) (markup? number? number?) (ly:stencil-translate (ly:stencil-scale (interpret-markup layout props mymark) faktor faktor) (cons x-offset 0)) ) #(…

Circle of Fifths

Engravers one-by-one [0.14063]

…context { \MyVoice \consists Note_heads_engraver } \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \MyStaff } \context { \MyVoice } } } % add staff MyStaff = \context { \… …Script_engraver \consists Rhythmic_column_engraver } \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \MyStaff } \context { \MyVoice } } } % add accidentals, bar, time … …Time_signature_engraver \consists Key_engraver } \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \MyStaff } \context { \MyVoice } } }

Engravers one-by-one

Footnotes / Remarks in the footer [0.14063]

…- <i>reserve</i></code> #(define-markup-command (footer-items layout props reserve)(number?) "markup footer items" (let* ((line-width (… …pagelist cur-page table label text fnnr)) ) ) (foot-items)) (interpret-markup layout props (markup pagelist)) ) ) )) x-ext y-ext))) % the footnote function % takes direction (UP/DOWN) and markup % other layout properties can be set via [\once] \override TextScript …

Footnotes / Remarks in the footer

Flip [0.14063]

…here starts the snippet: %%%% \flip: #(define-markup-command (flip layout props arg) (markup?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:concat ( … …left-align \line { \scale #'(-1 . 1) \score { \myScr \layout { indent = 0 } } \lower #1 \concat { " It's coming … …3 ":" } \vspace#.2 \line { \flip \score { \myScr \layout { indent = 0 } } \lower #1 \concat { " Now it's …


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