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Results 101−110 of 356 for layout

Using the input-tag property to create musical outlines [0.12500]

…Level 0" } } \score { \new Staff { \outlineMusic #0 \melody } \layout {} } % Medium outlining \markup { \column { "BWV 1001 Excerpt" "Outline Level 2" } } \score { \new Staff { \outlineMusic #1 \melody } \layout {} } %% No outlining \markup { \column { "BWV 1001 Excerpt" "No Outlining" } } \score { \new Staff { \outlineMusic #2 \melody } \layout {} } %% Consecutive midi for all 3 scores \score { \new …

Using the input-tag property to create musical outlines

Creating guitar scales on fretboards [0.12500]

…to enlarge the fret diagram #(define-markup-command (scale-diagramm layout props arg1 arg2 arg3) (list? integer? number?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup (#:override (cons 'size arg3 ) (#:override '(fret-diagram-details . ( (… …3) (1 5) (1 8)) #5 #1.7 \layout { indent = 0 } \relative c' { c d^\cmajor e …

Creating guitar scales on fretboards

Unfretted headword [0.12500]

… = #'no-flag %%% %%% Functions %%% #(define-markup-command (colmark layout props args) (markup-list?) (let ((entries (cons (list '(baseline-skip . 2.3)) props) )) (interpret-markup layout entries (make-column-markup (map (lambda (arg) (markup arg)) (reverse … …Staff \ViolinSolo >> \hide Score.Rest \set Score.measureBarType = "" >> \layout { indent = 0.0 \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_…

Unfretted headword

Defining a Custom Staff Context [0.12500]

…id=882 % DEFINE A CUSTOM STAFF CONTEXT FOR "LAYOUT" \layout { \context { % make a copy of the standard Staff … …e' f' } \new MyCustomStaff { c' d' e' f' } >> \layout { } \midi { } }

Defining a Custom Staff Context

Arabic chant [0.12500]

…0)))) %%%% Flip staves and lyrics: #(define-markup-command (flip layout props arg) (markup?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:concat (#:null #:scale (cons -1 1) … …markuplist { \vspace #1 \fill-line { \null \flip { \score { \Music \layout { line-width = #180 indent = 0 \context { \Staff \override NoteHead.…

Arabic chant

Smiley [0.12500]

…lineto -0.05 0.00)) } #(define-markup-command (smiley layout props smiley-choice smiley-size) (string? number?) "Include a smiley in a text" (interpret-markup layout props (cond ((string=? smiley-choice ":)") #{ \markup \scale … …tweak stem-attachment #'(0.98 . 0) f' s8 } \layout { indent = 15 \context { \Staff instrumentName = \markup\smiley #"…


Repeat with brackets [0.12500]

…measure-attached spanner :-(") (ly:grob-suicide! span) (set! span '()))))))) % necessary layout options % note that you can have more than one single layout block (some of them may even be outside and some inside \score) \layout { \context { \Staff \consists #Measure_attached_spanner_engraver \override …

Repeat with brackets

Defining a Custom Staff Context [0.12500]

…id=882 % DEFINE A CUSTOM STAFF CONTEXT FOR "LAYOUT" \layout { \context { % make a copy of the standard Staff … …e' f' } \new MyCustomStaff { c' d' e' f' } >> \layout { } \midi { } }

Defining a Custom Staff Context

Orchestral grouping with a custom brace [0.12500]

…brace with a variable length: #(define-markup-command (long-curly-bracket layout props arg-height)(number?) "Draw a curly bracket with a variable length." (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:translate (cons 0 (* (+ arg-height 5.5) … …c'2. r8 } \paper { indent = 40 tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Staff \override InstrumentName.font-size = #-1 } \context { \StaffGroup \…

Orchestral grouping with a custom brace

Basic Grace Echo Purger [0.12500]

…not only % if it's listed in the layout block of your scores. %{ \layout { \context { \Score \consists #Basic_graceecho_purger } } %} #(define (… …Staff { \removeWithTag #'Grace \Music %Text_only: \Appendix } >> \layout { \context { \Score \consists #Basic_graceecho_purger } } }

Basic Grace Echo Purger

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