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Results 1−10 of 356 for layout

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet [0.50000]

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet

…> %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Utility markups #(define-markup-command (when-property layout props symbol markp) (symbol? markup?) (if (chain-assoc-get symbol … …props (markup #:huge #:bold number))) #(define-markup-command (piece-title-with-number layout props number title) (markup? markup?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:rehearsal-number number #:hspace 1 #:huge title))) …

stylesheet Titles Paper and layout Scheme language Syntax and expressions real music

Ready-to-use LilyPond macros: advanced layout and titles, using a special stylesheet

Scaling vertical spacing [0.42411]

…factors for (1) within-system spacing and (2) page layout (outside-system) spacing.

…of the properties % that affect the vertical spacing layout. This helps preserve the basic % proportions as compared … …the % vertical spacing within systems. gmult = #1.5 \layout { \context { \Score { \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing = #`((basic-distance . ,(* 9 … …right" { \right } \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \left } >> >> \layout { } }

Paper and layout Tweaks and overrides

Scaling vertical spacing

Specifying number of measures per line [0.41964]

…meter, and a quick way to duplicate the layout of a model. The function takes a list …

…markup\small\italic "4 measures per line:" \myMusic } \layout { \context { \Score %use the line below to insist … …markup\small\italic "6 measures per line:" \myMusic } \layout { \context { \Score %use the line below to insist on your layout %\override NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f \consists #(bars-per-line-engraver '(6)) } } } \…

Paper and layout Breaks Contexts and engravers Scheme language

Specifying number of measures per line

Customizing Chord Symbols - Global [0.39286]

…Notation Reference, then define chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions in a \layout block.

…sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions ) % this definition in your \layout block makes the chord markup changes effective globally \layout { \context { \ChordNames chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions } } % everything above here could …

Chords Syntax and expressions Paper and layout Contexts and engravers template stylesheet

Customizing Chord Symbols - Global

Displaying bar numbers only when point-and-click is enabled [0.39286]

…extent so that they are "invisible" to the layout engine; while this is ugly (remember, this is …

…relative c' { %\initBarNumberVisibility % Can be moved to the \layout block with later LilyPond versions \time 4/4 … …5 \break | c1*5 \break | c1*5 \bar "|." | } \layout { \context { \Score % I prefer this here, but it …

Rhythms Editorial annotations Paper and layout Tweaks and overrides

Displaying bar numbers only when point-and-click is enabled

Increasing spacing between staves [0.35714]

…Vertical spacing is automatically set so that the layout of a score is neither too cramped or …

…new Staff { \repeat unfold 96 { c''8[ c''] } } } \layout { indent = 0\mm }

Spacing Staff notation Tweaks and overrides Paper and layout

Increasing spacing between staves

Aligning and centering instrument names [0.35714]

…by changing the Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X property. The \layout variables indent and short-indent define the space in …

…instrument name" } shortInstrumentName = "Right" } { e'1 e'1 } >> \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 4\cm short-indent = 2\cm } }

Text Paper and layout Titles docs

Aligning and centering instrument names

Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts [0.35714]

…Instrument_name_engraver } \trumpeta >> \header { piece = "Trumpet 1" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } \book { \score { << \new Staff = "trumpetb" \… …Instrument_name_engraver } \tromboneb >> \header { piece = "Bass Trombone" } \layout { indent = 0\mm } } } %} \layout { \context { \Score } }

Staff notation Winds Paper and layout Preparing parts Contemporary notation

Template for multiple instruments, prints a score and parts

Colored boxes around / behind notes [0.35491]

…#{ \roundedRectangleSpan $y-lower $y-upper $frame-color $fill-color $radius #}) \layout { \override HorizontalBracket.layer = #-10 \override HorizontalBracket.shorten-pair = #'(… …fill-color arg) (color? color? markup?) (let* ((stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg)) (X-ext (ly:stencil-extent stencil X)) (Y-ext (ly:stencil-extent … …#-97 \sticker \colDarkOrange \colLightOrange \pad-markup #0.4 ":-)" } } } \layout { \override TextScript.staff-padding = #3 \context { \Score \remove "Bar_…

Editorial annotations Paper and layout Scheme language Specific notation

Colored boxes around / behind notes

Alphabetically sorted index [0.35268]

…fromproperty #'index:text } \hspace #1 } } #(define-markup-list-command (index layout props) () ( _i "Outputs an alphabetical sorted index, using … …index-item)) (index-markup (cadr index-item)) (text (caddr index-item))) (interpret-markup layout (cons (list (cons 'index:page (markup #:page-ref label "XXX" "?")) (cons 'index:text text)) props) (ly:output-def-lookup layout index-markup)))) (index-items))))) indexItem = #(define-music-function (sorttext text) (string? …

Text Titles Paper and layout Editorial annotations

Alphabetically sorted index

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