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Results 21−30 of 72 for italic

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration [0.12500]

…measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 2/1) c\breve } \markup\italic "Thin (#1) outlines:" \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.… …#f 1) } { \music } \markup\column { \vspace #.5 \italic "Heavy (#6) outlines:" } \new Staff \with { \override NoteHead.… …#f 6) } { \music } \markup\column { \vspace #.5 \italic "Medium (#3) colored outlines:" } \new Staff \with { \override …

Colored notes with black outlines, colors based on note name and alteration

Guitar barre [0.12500]

…notes \stopBarre (text = any fret number) \markup \column \italic { "Standard notation:" \vspace #.5 } { \clef "G_8" \… …notes \stopBarre (text = any fret number) \markup \column \italic { \vspace #1 "With string position prefix:" \vspace #.… …note \startModernBarre fret-number string-number notes \stopBarre \markup \column \italic { \vspace #1 "A more modern approach:" \vspace #.…

Guitar barre

Squeeze and split staff [0.12500]

…#'(0 . 0) \center-column { "30''" \musicglyph "scripts.ufermata" \italic "tacet" } aes->] \bar "" \tweak X-offset #2 \tweak Y-offset … …#'(baseline-skip . 3) \left-column { \bold "Tacet al fine" \italic { "hold instruments" "as if ready" "to play" "again" } } } \… …engraver } } } \markup\fill-line { \override #'(baseline-skip . 7) \center-column { \italic "all cues are made by one player whom …

Squeeze and split staff

Crossing staves [0.12500]

…8 \cadenzaOff \unHideNotes c4 g c g } \markup\italic "Cross staff:" << \new Staff = "oben" \fagott \new Staff = "… …Staff = "oben" \cadenzaOff c4 g c g } \markup\italic "Chicane staff:" << \new Staff = "oben" \fagott-bis \new Staff = "… …Staff = "oben" \cadenzaOff c4 g c g } \markup\italic "Twisted staff:" \score { << \new Staff = "oben" \fagott-ter \new …

Crossing staves

Using the high bass clef [0.12500]

…baseline-skip . 2) \column { \line { "In this example an" \italic "octavation eight in brackets" } \line { "is put over the first occurrence of the" \italic "high bass" } \line { \italic "clef" "as an editorial note to indicate: this …

Using the high bass clef

Creating "real" parenthesized dynamics [0.10714]

…define-event-function (dyn) (ly:event?) (make-dynamic-script #{ \markup \concat { \normal-text \italic \fontsize #2 ( \pad-x #0.2 #(ly:music-property dyn 'text) \normal-text \italic \fontsize #2 ) } #})) \relative c'' { c4\paren\f …

Creating "real" parenthesized dynamics

Extracting text from markup [0.10714]

…normal-text { good day and \concat { hello \bold { world } } \italic { and moon } } } \header { title = \ttt subtitle = \markup { \normal-text { \italic { \plain-text \ttt } } } } \relative c' { c }

Extracting text from markup

Staff headword [0.10714]

…key mib \major \time 2/4 R2^\markup { \italic Comodo } | r8 \once \override TextScript.padding = #2.0 sib16-.^\markup {\dynamic p \italic grazioso} do-. mib( re)-. do-. sib-. | re8-. …

Staff headword

Multimeasure Rests over a Cadenza [0.10714]

…include "" cadenzaC = \relative c''' { b2 ^\markup { \italic "cadenza" } ~ \oneVoice b8 \fermata [a8] ) e'16 ( [a, … …voiceOne b4 \fermata ~ } cadenzaD = \relative c''' { b4 ~ ^\markup { \italic "cadenza" } b8 \fermata [a8] ) g16 ( [fs e d …

Multimeasure Rests over a Cadenza

Specifying number of measures per line [0.10714]

…override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \mark\markup\small\italic "4 measures per line:" \myMusic } \layout { \context { \Score %… …override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT \mark\markup\small\italic "6 measures per line:" \myMusic } \layout { \context { \Score %…

Specifying number of measures per line

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