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Results 1−7 of 7 for gregorian

Ancient notation template -- modern transcription of gregorian music [0.32143]

Ancient notation template -- modern transcription of gregorian music

…example demonstrates how to do modern transcription of Gregorian music. Gregorian music has no measure, no stems; it uses …

\include "" chant = \relative c' { \set Score.timing = ##f …

Ancient notation template -- modern transcription of gregorian music

Gregorian scripts [0.28571]

Gregorian scripts

Here is demonstrated a preliminary support of Gregorian Scripts: ictus, circulus, semicirculus, accentus, episem.

… \include "" \score { \context VaticanaVoice { \override Script.padding = #-0.…

Gregorian scripts

Easy Gregorian notation [0.28571]

Easy Gregorian notation

This snippet shows a special notation for easy Gregorian music. Definitions can be saved as "modernGregorian.ily" …

…ja. } } \markuplist { \line { \italic "Some simple modern style Gregorian scores can be achieved using the standard" } \line { \…

Easy Gregorian notation

Divisiones [0.14286]

Divisiones are gregorian variants of breathing signs. Choices are divisioMinima, divisioMaior, …

… \include "" \score { << \context Voice \transpose c c' { \set …


Vaticana ligatures [0.07143]

… \include "" cantus = \context VaticanaVoice = "cantus" { \clef "vaticana-fa2" \[ f\…

Vaticana ligatures

Ancient headword [0.07143]

#(set-global-staff-size 23) \include "" \score { << \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" { \clef "vaticana-do3" % Verse …

Ancient headword

Organum and discant [0.07143]

\include "" voiceglobal = { \omit Dots \omit Tie \time 3/…

Organum and discant