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Results 1−10 of 26 for fermata

Showing the same articulation above and below a note or chord [0.27679]

…the same articulation (e.g., an accent, a fermata, a flageolet, etc.) to be displayed above and … …For example, c4_\fermata^\fermata only shows a fermata below. The fermata above gets simply ignored. However, one can stick …

\relative c' { <>^"Wrong" c2_\fermata^\fermata % The second fermata is ignored! <e d'>… …d'^\flageolet>2 <e_\flageolet^\flageolet>2 <e_\fermata^\fermata>2 }

Showing the same articulation above and below a note or chord

Caesura ("railtracks") with fermata [0.25000]

Caesura ("railtracks") with fermata

…by a double railtracks breath mark with a fermata sign positioned above. This snippet shows an optically pleasing combination of railtracks and fermata.

Caesura ("railtracks") with fermata

Removing items from only voiceTwo using a Scheme filter [0.25000]

…the documentation, it is unable to remove the fermata from R1-\fermataMarkup, because the same engraver creates … …second approach, one can also filter out that fermata (which is of type MultiMeasureTextEvent). The second approach …

…s manual, it is unable to remove the fermata from "R1-\fermata," because the same engraver creates … …remove "Mark_engraver" % However, the fermata in R1-\fermata is generated by the % Multi_measure_rest_engraver, … …the rest % itselft => No way to remove the fermata using this approach! } { \voiceTwo \mII } >> \context Staff = "bothFiltered" \…

Removing items from only voiceTwo using a Scheme filter

Positioning a \fermata over the last bar line [0.21429]

Positioning a \fermata over the last bar line

To position a \fermata sign over the last bar line, you must …

Positioning a \fermata over the last bar line

Positioning two opposite \fermata signs over the last bar line [0.21429]

Positioning two opposite \fermata signs over the last bar line

To position two fermata signs on the last bar line (a typical …

Positioning two opposite \fermata signs over the last bar line

Vertically aligned StaffGroups without connecting SystemStartBar [0.14286]

…a b c b a b gis2 e4\fermata g! g f e a a gis a2.\… …c, e a, b c d e2 e4\fermata e a b8 c gis[ g] fis f e dis e4 a,2.\fermata \bar ":|." } chromaticBach = \new StaffGroup = "chromatic Bach" << \new …

Vertically aligned StaffGroups without connecting SystemStartBar

Squeeze and split staff [0.14286]

…main" { g'1\pp -\tweak script-priority #-100 \fermata -\tweak extra-offset #'(-.5 . 1)^"30''" \… …Staff \with { } { \mark\markup\bold "F" e'1\fermata \pp \bar "" \stopStaff s1*4 \startStaff \bar "" \once\… …Staff \with { } { \mark\markup\bold "G" cis'1\fermata \pp \bar "" \stopStaff s1*4 \startStaff \bar "" \once\…

Squeeze and split staff

Keyboard headword [0.14063]

…#'(direction . 1) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2) { \dir-column { \fermata \text \italic \center-align long } } } \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.… …bass s8 | s8 \clef treble <as''>4. \arpeggio \fermata | } \new Voice { \voiceTwo ds'8 [ ( < ds bs >8 … …once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = #500 <cs, gs,>4. \fermata _\markup \italic { ped. } <fs, cs>8 ( | <e, b,>…

Keyboard headword

Mensural ligatures [0.13839]

…c\breve a\breve f\breve d'\longa^\fermata \bar "|" \[ g\longa c\breve a\breve f\… …fermata \bar "|" \[ e1 f1 a\breve g\longa^\fermata \] \bar "|" e1 f1 a\breve g\longa^\fermata \bar "||" } \score { \context ChoirStaff << \new MensuralStaff { \context MensuralVoice \…

Mensural ligatures

Multiple simultaneous RehearsalMarks, tunable output per score, grace synchronized [obsolete in 2.23] [0.13839]

…line { \italic "Da Capo al Fine " } \polyMark #'Fermata \markup \musicglyph "scripts.ufermata" \bar "|." } PartII = { \transpose c'' … …DC (direction . ,DOWN) (self-alignment-X . 1.0) (break-visibility . ,begin-of-line-invisible)) (Fermata (stencil . #f)) (SectionTitle (stencil . #f))) } { \PartI } \new Staff { \… …polyMarkOptions = #`((Fine (stencil . #f)) (DC (stencil . #f)) (Fermata (direction . both-mirrored) (self-alignment-X . 0.0) (break-visibility . ,begin-of-line-invisible)) (SectionTitle (…

Multiple simultaneous RehearsalMarks, tunable output per score, grace synchronized [obsolete in 2.23]

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