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Results 1−4 of 4 for bracket arpeggio

Indicating cross-staff chords with arpeggio bracket [0.21429]

Indicating cross-staff chords with arpeggio bracket

An arpeggio bracket can indicate that notes on two different staves …

Indicating cross-staff chords with arpeggio bracket

Arpeggio bracket [0.17551]

Arpeggio bracket

…be done quite easily by adding a square bracket instead of the arpeggio sign.

Arpeggio bracket

Keyboard headword [0.01363]

…Arpeggio.padding = #0.8 <cs''' as''' cs''''>4. \arpeggio \fermata \ottava #0 \bar "|." } >> } \new Staff << \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket \key fs \major \clef bass \new Voice { \voiceOne …

Keyboard headword

Screech and Boink [0.01099]

…arpeggio-direction = #DOWN <cis, e, gis, b, cis>4\arpeggio } >> } >> \midi { \tempo 8 = 60 } \layout { ragged-right = ##t \context { \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver" } } }

Screech and Boink