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Results 41−50 of 78 for stem

Partcombine and \autoBeamOff [0.10714]

…still active. Internally, \partCombine works with four voices – stem up single, stem down single, combined, and solo. In order to …

Partcombine and \autoBeamOff

Coloring grobs and notational elements using a sophisticated music function [0.10714]

…Flag \ed LedgerLine \ed NoteHead \ed Rest \ed Stem $mus #}) ((Pitch) #{ \ed NoteHead $mus #}) ((… …#{ \ed Staff.AccidentalSuggestion #}) ((StemWithFlag) #{ \ed Stem \ed Flag $mus #}) ((Tuplet) #{ \ed TupletNumber \…

Coloring grobs and notational elements using a sophisticated music function

Automatic slash for slashedGrace and acciaccatura [0.10714]

…ang stem-fraction protrusion) (number? number? number?) (remove-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'direction) #{ \once \override Stem.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((x-parent (ly:grob-parent grob …

Automatic slash for slashedGrace and acciaccatura

Direction of merged 'fa' shape note heads [0.10714]

…faThin , etc.) can be controlled independently of the stem direction if two voices with the same pitch and different stem directions are merged. If this property is not …

Direction of merged 'fa' shape note heads

Vertical spacing of footnotes [0.10714]

…-1) \markuplist { \override #'(line-width . 40) \wordwrap-lines { Note stem. This is another multi-line footnote grob with a lot of senseless text. } } Stem <c e g>4 q q | \Footnote #'(…

Vertical spacing of footnotes

Moving notes or chords in collisions horizontally using the force-hshift property [0.07143]

…with the note or chord—that is, the stem with all its noteheads, ledger lines, augmentation dots …

Moving notes or chords in collisions horizontally using the force-hshift property

Alternating beam directions [0.07143]

…wipeNote = { \once \override NoteHead.transparent = ##t \once \override Stem.transparent = ##t } \layout { raggedright = ##t } \relative c''<< { c8[~ \…

Alternating beam directions

Divisiones [0.07143]

…padding = #3 \override Staff.BarLine.transparent = ##t \override Stem.transparent = ##t g4( a) g^\markup { "divisio minima" } \…


Chant or psalms notation [0.07143]

stemOff = \hide Staff.Stem stemOn = \undo \stemOff \score { \new Staff \with { \remove "…

Chant or psalms notation

Glissando written out in small notes [0.07143]

…NoteHead.font-size = #-4 \override Accidental.font-size = #-4 % Force stem direction down \stemDown % Tuplet with small notes \tuplet …

Glissando written out in small notes

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