This function is designed to simplify the creation of Roman numerals for harmonic analysis.
Syntax: \markup \rN { ...list of symbols... }
Enter a Roman numeral as a list of symbols, with each element separated by spaces. List symbols in order of appearance, omitting those not needed: Roman numeral; letter for a quality requiring a special indicator (i.e., diminished, half-diminished, etc.); top (or only) number of inversion symbol; bottom number; "/" (if secondary function); Roman numeral.
Preceding either Roman numeral with "s" or "b" or "n" will attach a sharp, flat, or natural: for example, "svi" or "bVII" (quotation marks not needed). Note names are possible: Cs, Dn, Eb.
Use the following symbols for qualities (if a superscript indication is needed): "o" for diminished, "h" for half-diminished, "+" for augmented, "b" for flat. You may use any combination of "M" and "m" here: M, mm, MM7, Mm, Mmm9, etc. Added notes are also possible: add6, add9, etc.
The analysis can be created in a Lyrics