Clarinet fingering chart and tablatures

[Note that recent LilyPond versions come with built-in woodwind diagram support.]

This snippet defines a new \clarTab markup command to draw tablatures for the clarinet.

The syntax is

\clarTab twelfthKey? holes keysByFinger


Here is a list of all strings for '(fingerName . noteName) pairs accepted (note that all altered notes are defined with a sharp):

To see all keys unpressed, specify a dummy value for the noteName, like in 13:

\clarTab ##t #'() #'(("Rlittle" . "") ("Llittle" . "")
                     ("Rfore" . "")("Lfore" . "")
                     ("Rring" . "")("Lring" . ""))

Eventually, you can specify the size of the clarinet tablature by writing at the begining of the .ly file:

clarTabScale = #x

By default x=1. Specifying other values multiplies the size by x.

Example: clarTabScale = #1.5