%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=924 % => http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/snippet-Repeats-with-parallelMusic-td163832.html % => http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/parallelMusic-and-repeat-td27560.html % by P.P.Schneider on June 2014. %here starts the snippet: \parallelMusic #'(voiceA voiceB) { \time 3/4 \key a\minor \clef "G_8" \repeat volta 2 { % Bar 1 a4 e'2 | a,2. | % Bar 2 d'8 c' b c' a4 | a,2. | % Bar 3 b8 gis e gis e' b | e,2 c4 | % Bar 4 d'8 c' b c' a4 | a,2. | % Bar 5 f'8 e' d' c' b a | d2. | % Bar 6 gis2. | e4 e d | % Bar 7 e'4 d' c' | c2. | % Bar 8 b2. | e4 e2 | } \repeat volta 2 { % Bar 9 e'4 a' e' | c2. | % Bar 10 f'8 e' f' e' d'4 | d2. | % Bar 11 d'4 g' d' | b,2. | % Bar 12 e'8 d' e' d' c'4 | c2. | % Bar 13 f'8 e' d' c' b a | d2. | % Bar 14 gis2. | e4 e8 d c b, | % Bar 15 c8 e' d' c' b c' | c4 d e | % Bar 16 a2. | a,4 a,2 | } \mark\markup\small\italic "D.C." % here's the hacky trick : | } \score { \new Staff \with { instrumentName = Guitar } << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> } \score { \new Staff { \unfoldRepeats << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> << \voiceA \\ \voiceB >> } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 128/4) } } } \paper { tagline = ##f }