% Override LedgerLineSpanner.length-fraction to change the width % of ledger lines. Its default setting is 0.25 which extends ledger % lines beyond the note head on each side by 0.25 times the width % of the note head. (1.0 is equal to the width of the note head.) % % LilyPond will automatically shorten ledger lines to avoid collisions. % LedgerLineSpanner.minimum-length-fraction sets their minimum % length (i.e. smallest possible length) for such cases of potential % collision. It guarantees that ledger lines will always be at least % that wide. Its default setting is 0.25 (It should always be less % than or equal to the value of LedgerLineSpanner.length-fraction.) % % See the illustrations here: % http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/Widening-ledger-lines-by-overriding-LedgerLineSpanner-td162842.html#a162850 notes = { d4 e f g c''' d''' e''' f''' } << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "default " } { \notes } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "wider " \override LedgerLineSpanner.length-fraction = #0.45 \override LedgerLineSpanner.minimum-length-fraction = #0.45 } { \notes } >>