%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=863 % uncomment the follwong line %\pointAndClickOff initBarNumberVisibility = #(define-music-function () () (if (ly:get-option 'point-and-click) #{ \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t) % The following line makes bar numbers "invisible" to the collision-avoidance engine, % so that the preview & production scores should have identical spacing. \override Score.BarNumber.X-extent = #'(0 . 0) #} #{ \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) #}) ) \score { \new Staff \relative c' { %\initBarNumberVisibility % Can be moved to the \layout block with later LilyPond versions \time 4/4 c1*5 \break | c1*5 \break | c1*5 \bar "|." | } \layout { \context { \Score % I prefer this here, but it doesn't work in 2.14.2 (works in later versions, such as 2.16.1) \initBarNumberVisibility } } }