%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=607 fb = \figuremode { \bassFigureExtendersOn s4 <5> <5> <5> | } music = \relative c' { c4 c b c | } \new Score { << % By declaring <5> to be an implicit figure, % the 5 is not printed, but extenders are... % Staff-wide setting: \new Staff \with { implicitBassFigures = #'(5) } << \new Voice = "FiguredBass" { \fb } \new Voice = "Music" { \clef "bass" \music } >> % Using \set, this can be changed anywhere inside % the score for only a portion of the score \new Staff << \set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(5) \new Voice = "FiguredBass" { \fb } \new Voice = "Music" { \clef "bass" \music } >> >> }