%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=517 % modify various chord-symbols % chExceptionMusic is chords with markups chExceptionMusic = { % make maj7 triangle smaller 1-\markup { \fontsize #-2.5 { \triangle ##f } } % change maj11 to maj9add4 1-\markup { \fontsize #-2.5 { \triangle ##f } \raise #0.6 \small "9" \raise #0.6 \teeny "add4" } } % Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions. chExceptions = #( append ( sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions ) % this definition in your \layout block makes the chord markup changes effective globally \layout { \context { \ChordNames chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions } } % everything above here could be in a separate house-style file, % and then \include that file with the score file: \score { \chords { c1:maj7 c:maj11 } }