%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=391 %here starts the snippet: \header { tagline = ##f } notes = \relative c' { c4 d e f | g a b c |} lyricsAbove = \lyricmode { These ly -- rics placed a -- bove the staff... } lyricsBelow = \lyricmode { These ly -- rics placed be -- low the staff... } \score { % Wrap everything in a parallel music section (otherwise you'll get errors!) << % create empty dummy lyrics contexts, we'll do the actual assignment later % Important: The names will later be used to assign the correct placement! % We can't do the assignment before the voice has been defined, so the % first Lyrics can't be replaced by \lyricsto, because the voice to which % it is assigned is not yet created there!!! % Lyrics above (because created before the staff) \new Lyrics = "above" { s4 } \new Staff << \new Voice = "mainvoice" << \notes >> >> % Lyrics below (because created after the staff) \new Lyrics = "below" { s4 } % Now that we have created the Lyrics objects in the correct order, assign the lyrics % Notice the Lyrics = "name", where name is the same as in the above definitions! \context Lyrics = "above" \lyricsto "mainvoice" \lyricsAbove \context Lyrics = "below" \lyricsto "mainvoice" \lyricsBelow >> }