#(define long-espr-stil (lambda (grob) (ly:stencil-scale (ly:font-get-glyph (ly:grob-default-font grob) "scripts.espr") 2 1))) %% Thanks to Andrew Bernard: % https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2019-02/msg00440.html #(define upbow-stil (make-path-stencil '( moveto 0 1.3 lineto 0.25 1.3 lineto 0.57 0.46 lineto 0.9 1.3 lineto 1 1.3 lineto 0.5 0 lineto 0 1.3 closepath) .01 1 1 #t)) %% Since 2.23.6 articulation types should be symbols instead of strings. %% I.e. change "longEspressivo" to 'longEspressivo and "upbow" to 'upbow %% --Harm #(define new-script-alist (append default-script-alist (list `(longEspressivo . ( (stencil . ,long-espr-stil) (toward-stem-shift-in-column . 0.0) (padding . 1) (avoid-slur . around) (direction . ,UP))) ))) #(assoc-set! new-script-alist 'upbow (acons 'stencil upbow-stil (assoc-ref new-script-alist 'upbow))) \layout { \context { \Score scriptDefinitions = #new-script-alist } } longEspr = #(make-articulation 'longEspressivo) { b1\longEspr b\upbow}