%% If newer version like 2.25.xx are used, `normalize-color` needs to be applied. %% This should become the default once LSR moves to 2.26. #(define my-color (if (eqv? (second (ly:version)) 25) (normalize-color white) white)) maskUpperTip = #(lambda (grob) (let ((mask (ly:round-filled-box '(-1 . 1.25) '(-1.14 . 0) 0))) (ly:stencil-stack (ly:system-start-delimiter::print grob) Y UP (ly:make-stencil (list 'color my-color (ly:stencil-expr mask)))))) maskLowerTip = #(lambda (grob) (let ((mask (ly:round-filled-box '(-1 . 1.25) '(-0.0 . 1.14) 0))) (ly:stencil-stack (ly:system-start-delimiter::print grob) Y DOWN (ly:make-stencil (list 'color my-color (ly:stencil-expr mask)))))) \markup { \score { \new StaffGroup << \new StaffGroup \with { \override SystemStartBracket.extra-offset = #'(0.6 . 0) } << \new Staff { c'^\markup \rotate #-90 ":-(" } \new Staff { d' } >> \new Staff { e' } >> \layout {} } " " \score { \new StaffGroup << \new StaffGroup \with { \override SystemStartBracket.stencil = \maskUpperTip \override SystemStartBracket.extra-offset = #'(0.6 . 0) } << \new Staff { c'^\markup \rotate #-90 ":-)" } \new Staff { d' } >> \new Staff { e' } >> \layout {} } " " \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'^\markup \rotate #-90 ":-)" } \new StaffGroup \with { \override SystemStartBracket.stencil = \maskLowerTip \override SystemStartBracket.extra-offset = #'(0.6 . 0) } << \new Staff { d' } \new Staff { e' } >> >> \layout {} } }