%% Often I would like to use numbers in Lilypond variable names %% for more clarity and a better overview. %% Numbers are allowed as a part of variable names in Scheme, but not in Lilypond. %% They would be taken as durations. %% Here are possibilties to use numbers anyway %% As Scheme variable: fill in your music between #{ and #} %% instead of backslash as prefix for reference %% you use a dollar sign (not so bad at all ;-) ) %% With doublequotes: enclose your variablename with doublequotes and reference it %% as usual with backslash %% With newer versions a dotted syntax like: m.1 = ... %% is possible, but may need some further development. \paper { tagline = ##f } #(define part1 #{ \relative c'' { a^\markup { This is part1 (defined as scheme variable) } e f e8 e } #} ) "part2" = \relative c'' { g_\markup { This is part2 (defined with doublequotes) } c d c8 c } \markup \column { "The first piece of music is named part1, the second \"part2\"" \vspace #1 } \score { << \new Staff $part1 \new Staff \"part2" >> } \score { \new Staff %% you can omit \new Staff in newer Lilypond Versions { $part1 \bar "||" \"part2" } }