Automatically adding fingering diagrams for tin whistle

These functions may be used to automatically add fingering diagrams and reformatted note names to tin whistle music, with the whistle referred to being the common D whistle.

The fingering diagram function makes no attempt to deal with alternate fingerings. It is strictly one diagram per note, doing a fairly simple, straight forward one to one substitution.

The reformatted note names are in line with what I'm told the local tin whistle players expect - the lower octave being printed in upper case, and the upper octave printed in lower case with a plus sign underneath the note name, with the topmost D getting 2 plus signs.

Typically I use this code in combination with the tiedNoteToSkip function from to avoid having the note name printed again for a tied note. Simply use each function as described in their descriptions, and (so far, at least) they work just fine with each other.